I Definitely Do
Join Mrs. Renai, author of the BecomingWifeyBlog and her husband, Mr.B (your favorite teacher) as they discuss love, dating, commitment, and everything else under the sun. Whether focusing on a specific subject, reviewing a trashy reality show, or commenting on hot topics in society, psychology, and pop-culture, this couple hopes to make you smile while offering helpful advice on how to make the most of any type of relationship!
84 episodes
I Definitely Do: Episode 84 [T.I S5E10+11]
Can we just pretend like we haven't been MIA for the last 3 weeks? I am so sorry. Grab your wine, grab your weed, grab whatever you need to unwind and enjoy this long overdue review. Let us know your thoughts...
Season 3
Episode 84

I Definitely Do: Episode 83 [TI S5E8+9]
He's garbage. Hi everyone! I know these episodes are hella late, but believe me when I say we have a GREAT explanation and you have to listen to the episode if you want to hear it (it's really not all that great, but just listen to ...
Season 3
Episode 83

I Definitely Do: Episode 82 [T.I S5E7]
While we both were thoroughly entertained by this week's episode, I admit I kept forgetting to watch it! What is wrong with me ya'll? Am I just over this relationship craziness already or....? Nah. I love this show and I will be alo...
Season 3
Episode 82

I Definitely Do: Episode 81 [T.I S5E6]
I feel like nothing really happens in this episode, but for a filler episode, I can't say I wasn't entertained. We pick up where we left off at the bonfire and end up in the land of narcissistic outbursts and out-of-context dates.
Season 3
Episode 81

I Definitely Do: Episode 80 [T.I S5E5]
We are finally 1/2 way through the 5th season of our show and I am beginning to change my tune a little bit. This week, we introduce the "red light" into both villas and some of the couples and singles lose their damn minds!
Season 3
Episode 80

I Definitely Do: Episode 79 [T.I S5E4]
Episode four is here and things are starting to get interesting. The singles are on some chaotic level ish. I am irked and confused AF. While not much really happens this week, I think we get a good amount of...
Season 3
Episode 79

I Definitely Do: Episode 78 [T.I S5E3]
While I can honestly say I've lightened up a bit in this episode, I am still perplexed by the pure f*ckery of it all! This week, we get our first bonfire and a little taste of the drama we all know is to come. This shit ...
Season 3
Episode 78

I Definitely Do: Episode 77 [T.I S5E2]
The good news is that I lighten up a lot by the end of this episode! The bad news? You still gotta hear me yell loudly about a lot of things! As promised, this episode is going up almost immediately after our recap of episode one! W...
Season 3
Episode 77

I Definitely Do: Episode 76 [T.I S5E1]
It's finally here, ya'll! Temptation Island Season 5 kicked off on 6/14/23 and Mr.B and Mrs.Renai are here to recap, review, and rant! I know these episodes are a little late, but (as discussed both on the blog AND in th...
Season 3
Episode 76

I Definitely Do: Episode 75
Today, Mrs. Renai shares her thoughts on:jealousy from one twin to another a boyfriend who's haunted by the ghosts of his girlfriend's past a boyfriend whose girl is playing strange "games"
Season 3
Episode 75

I Definitely Do: Episode 74 [Unpopular Relationship Opinions]
We hope you had an amazing holiday weekend filled with laughter, good food, and perhaps a few wild adventures. We've missed you all so much and couldn't wait to dive back into our world with a brand new episode! This time, we're del...
Season 3
Episode 74

I Definitely Do: Episode 73 [AAA]
This week Mr. B and I discuss: A woman who found some unfriendly texts in her boyfriend's phone. A man with low self-esteem who questions his relationship. A married woman who caught her husband and ...
Season 3
Episode 73

I Definitely Do: Episode 72 [Would you date you?]
This week's podcast episode is all about random topics and chit chat! Mr.B and I discuss: Normalizing talk about exes in new relationships. Whether we'd date ourselvesand a special AITA from a re...
Season 3
Episode 72

I Definitely Do: Episode 71 [Our Red Flags 🚩]
Wifeys + Gentlemen, It's Tuesday and I am finally on schedule once again! Wish me luck for the rest of this week. 🤞🏾On an unrelated note: apologies for the weird ranting we do about summer vacation in the beginnin...
Season 3
Episode 71

I Definitely Do: Episode 70 [Above Average Advice]
Just call triple A! I know I said I had this scheduling thing down but...I lied. I am still working it out but I have finally cracked open my blog planner and things are getting crossed off the list! Am I ma...
Season 3
Episode 70

I Definitely Do: Episode 69 [AITA?]
It's been a minute but I think I finally have the posting schedule down to workable science, now! Plan to see new podcast episodes on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays, written articles on Sundays, IG posts/videos on Mondays, and longer vid...
Season 3
Episode 69

I Definitely Do: Episode 68 [What is a man/woman?]
Wifeys + Gents!I am a little delayed on getting this episode uploaded, but as I always say, it's better late than never. Right? This week Mr. B and I discuss our definitions of what makes a man a "man" and what ma...
Season 3
Episode 68

I Definitely Do: Episode 67 [A.I.T.A?]
Someone recently suggested that we should start naming our episodes based on the topics discussed.Thoughts? For example...today we are doing a full Am I the Asshole? episode. I called it [A.I.T.A?] but is that good enough?&...
Season 3
Episode 67

I Definitely Do: Episode 66
Wifeys + Gentlemen, It's been a long time. We shouldn't have left you...8 months. 8 months is an insane amount of time and I hope you'll welcome us back with open arms. Full disclosure, this episode was recorded i...
Season 3
Episode 66

I Definitely Do: Episode 65
Season 2 is coming to a close and I would be lying if I said it wasn't a little rockier than the 1st. Don't get me wrong, we had a great time! We added advice episodes and tackled some interesting topics this year. Still, like anyth...
Season 2
Episode 65

I Definitely Do: Episode 64
I'm excited to post this one because it's the 2nd to last episode of IDD Season 2! [Come back next week for some cute advice! ;-) ]This week Mr.B and I discuss: Do women think men are disposable?
Season 2
Episode 64

I Definitely Do: Episode 63 [TI4]
We finally had time to sit down and get this finale recorded. I am so sorry it is so late; Mercury is out Gatorade so I think my schedule will finally bounce back. Is anyone else shocked that the year is already 1/2 over and summer ...
Season 2
Episode 63

I Definitely Do: Episode 62 [TI4]
Fair Warning: Mrs. Renai gets really heated during this episode and will likely be doing a lot of yelling and ranting. Grab your wine and your popcorn because I am going in on Edgar. If you aren't into th...
Season 2
Episode 62