I Definitely Do
Join Mrs. Renai, author of the BecomingWifeyBlog and her husband, Mr.B (your favorite teacher) as they discuss love, dating, commitment, and everything else under the sun. Whether focusing on a specific subject, reviewing a trashy reality show, or commenting on hot topics in society, psychology, and pop-culture, this couple hopes to make you smile while offering helpful advice on how to make the most of any type of relationship!
I Definitely Do
I Definitely Do: Episode 65
Season 2 is coming to a close and I would be lying if I said it wasn't a little rockier than the 1st. Don't get me wrong, we had a great time! We added advice episodes and tackled some interesting topics this year.
Still, like anything worth doing, it's going to take work to move through the kinks and find our stride! <3
We just wanted to take some time to say how much we LOVE you guys for listening to us. We have expanded our audience and connected with lots of you in ways that I couldn't have even imagined when we started this.
We promise that season 3 will bring more laughs, more advice, more love, and even more hard work and dedication from the team!
See you in August :)
In this finale, we discuss:
- The girl who cried "fat".
- F.W.Bs + Body Count [Friends with Benefits]
- Apologizing to an old friend.
- AITA: Splitting Bills
As always, we hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy recording.
Make sure to give us a great review and follow our podcast so you never miss an episode! Subscribe to the main blog @ www.becomingwifeyblog.com.
Don’t forget that we take episode suggestions as well as audience submissions for our above-average advice.
Email Us @: krenai.wit@gmail.com
You can also check out our podcast website here. [Buzzsprout]
Twitter: @kcshoegal22 + @Mr_B_IDD
IG: @becomingwifeyblog
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